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Publication: Neighbourhood characteristics and prevalence and severity of depression: pooled analysis of eight Dutch cohort studies.

TitleNeighbourhood characteristics and prevalence and severity of depression: pooled analysis of eight Dutch cohort studies.
Publish year2019
CategoryClinical, Other topics
Author(s)Generaal E
Co-author(s)Hoogendijk EO, Stam M, Henke CE, Rutters F, Oosterman M, Huisman M, Kramer SE, Elders PJM, Timmermans EJ, Lakerveld J, Koomen E, Ten Have M, de Graaf R, Snijder MB, Stronks K, Willemsen G, Boomsma DI, Smit JH, Penninx BWJH.
Dutch abstract
JournalBritish Journal of Psychiatry
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